8725 South 280 E., Sandy, UT 84070

April 14, 2021 – Minutes



Date: 4/14/21 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Virtual

Members in Attendance: Shawn Walker, Isa Connelly, Katie Bradshaw, Denee Bringhurst, Jen Wright 

Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

    1. Welcome and call meeting to order 
    2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting: We discussed school safety and security, school drills, and approved the TSSP/ Land Trust Plans. Minutes were approved.
    3. Discuss elections, ballots, open seats in preparation for elections.  We currently have 3 members in their 2nd year of service: Jen Wright, Candice Marsh, and Amber Sevy.  They are welcome to run/apply again.  
  • Elections for SCC representatives will be held within the first 35 school days of the school year and will remain that way for the following 4 years (established in October 2018).
  • Notification of available SCC parent member seats, election dates and procedure for declaring candidacy for the SCC will be given with the registration information from Sandy Elementary at least 10 days prior to elections.
  • If the number of candidates is less than or equal to the available seats then all candidates will be appointed to the SCC otherwise a formal election will take place. 
  • If there are more candidates than available seats, two alternates will be selected from the remaining candidates in the order of the number of votes received. They will be appointed as voting members of the council if a seat is vacated prior to the next election and the council votes to fill the vacated seat.
  • The Principal shall oversee the election consistent with 53G-7-1202, elections shall run three consecutive school days.
  • The dates for the elections will be determined by the standing SCC at the last meeting of the school year and communicated to the Principal.  
  • All SCC terms are for two years, with no term limits for parents or guardians.  They may serve if they have a child attending Sandy Elementary for at least one year of the two year term.
  • If possible, the terms shall be staggered so that no more than 50% of members will be vacated each year.   
  • Once the council is seated a chair and vice chair will be elected by the council.  Chair must be a parent or guardian and vice chair may be a parent/guardian or employee.

Parents felt SCC joining and voting information should be distributed at the beginning of the school year during student registration. Information will be posted on social media and go out in an email on August 2nd. Interested parents will be asked to reply by August 27th, allowing for a 2 week respondent window. 

  1. School Safety and Security
    1. Safety Drill report: The next drill will be tomorrow – The Great Shake Out

Katie acknowledged the new crosswalk with flashing lights located at the busy intersection, with gratitude. Hooray for safety!

  1. Closing: Proposed and sustained.


Upcoming Meetings:

  • May 13th, 2021 @ 3:00 pm
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