8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

April 20, 2023 – Minutes



Date: 4/20/23 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: Jen Wright, Jason Miller, Jonatan Lefler, Allie Dietz, Mallory Boggs, Isa Connelly, Shawn Walker


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting: Previous minutes reviewed and approved.
  3. Decide how to spend approximately $5,000 of SCC funds from previous year’s rollover: Some ideas presented included:

-Purchase extra headphones with mics for students

-Purchase a phonics learning kit for the Library

-Purchase Apple Pens for Teachers

After some discussion, the SCC approved the use of the funds for intervention curriculum materials and technology. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 


4. Discuss elections that will be held in the fall:

Our SCC bylaws pertaining to elections were reviewed and discussed. Dates for SCC elections need to be set during the last SCC meeting of the year (May 11, 2023). Staff will attempt to garner interest for joining the SCC at Back to School Night in August, 2023. If necessary, an SCC election will be held on August 22nd, 23rd, or 24th. A motion to approve these dates will be brought before the SCC council at the next meeting- May 11th, 2023. 

5. Discuss the end of year carnival:

The SCC discussed and approved the time change for the Carnival (4pm-7pm). We will move dance times and performances as needed to accommodate the new time change. Isa and Shawn will vet the performances for appropriateness. Carnival details were discussed. We feel like we are prepared and ready for the big day. 

6. Closing


Upcoming Meetings:

  • May 11, 2023