8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

Notes from recent virtual parent meeting on Friday, August 14th

Notes from Sandy Elementary Administration/ Parent Meeting August 14th :

Recent Updates:

As of 8/14/2020- Face shields are no longer an accepted mode of protection- masks will be required for all students and staff during the school day. Teachers will wear face shields when appropriate for teaching for only 10 minutes at a time- otherwise, a mask will be worn.

Concerns/ Questions:

-First day of school line up procedure: (No RED CARPET this year but it will still be FUN and exciting!)

Students will line up on set marks at their grade appropriate doors in an effort to keep social distancing standards.

-Modified quarantine no longer an option:

If a student has had close contact with a confirmed Covid-19 infected individual, that student must stay home for the two- week period before returning to school.

-Sandy will have approximately 300-350 in-person students this year. This means there will be reduced class sizes from previous years.

-Information regarding virtual Meet the Teacher and Back to School nights will be posted asap.

-Information on student line-up procedures will be posted as well.

-Parents will be notified via Skylert/ Sandy Elementary FB page/ Sandy Elementary Instagram page and Sandy.canyonsdistrict.org website.

-Principal’s Pride procedures will be discussed by the Building Leadership Team and communicated to parents and staff asap.

-Students can still ride bikes to school. Students must still walk their bikes on school property. Once a student steps onto Sandy Elementary school property, a mask must be worn.

-Parent picking up students will need to practice social distancing requirements. Parents will need to stay in vehicles as long as possible when picking up.

-Students will not be allowed to play on the playground equipment after school.


The playground will be divided into zones. Each class will be assigned a specific zone. The zone will rotate. Classes will not be allowed to intermix while playing in order to keep contact tracing requirements. Staff will ensure this process.


We have been directed to limit the people in our school building. Parents should still sign-up to volunteer at the school (via www.canyonsdistrict.org) but instead of volunteering in classroom we are asking for parents to sign up as emergency subs. After a volunteer has been cleared by the online screening process, they can talk to Sue and sign-up to become an emergency sub to assist in the instance of a quarantining teacher. No district training is required for this position, but individual must be cleared as a volunteer.

-Donating Cleaning Supplies:

Sandy Elementary will not be allowed to accept any outside cleaning/ sanitizing donations this year. All sanitizing and cleaning products will be provided by the School District and meet CDC strict guidelines.

-Donating School Supplies:

Be aware of teacher supply list (via teacher canvas page) and school supply donations will be accepted and appreciated by each teacher.

-Parents can access Skyward now and see who their student’s assigned teacher will be. Online students will be assigned a Sandy Elementary homeroom teacher, but their actual teacher will be listed in the ADVISOR box.

Thank you for attending the meeting. Please contact the school with any questions or concerns: 801-826-9325