8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

PTA Volunteers Needed

Hello Sandy Elementary Parents and Guardians, it is that time of year where the PTA needs to put together the PTA board for the next school year, 2021-2022. At this time, we have no executive board members for next year. Everyone on the board this current year has been on for the allowed 2 years in their positions. We need parents and guardians to come forward and volunteer for these positions.

For those that do not know, there can be no PTA without a president, secretary, or treasurer. This is per bylaws of a 503c charitable organization.  In those bylaws it is said a person cannot hold the position for more than 2 years, which brings us to needing new members to replace us. All 3 parents on the executive board will be moving on in 2 more years as we all have 3rd graders at this time.

PTA is the charitable organization that organizes and holds the yearly fundraiser for the school. Without the PTA, there is no fundraiser, no fundraiser means no school programs.

Sandy’s PTA currently uses those fundraising funds on and organizes the following:

  • Principal Pride medals and certificates. This includes correspondence with the vendor.
  • Takes care of t-shirts. This includes correspondence with the t-shirt vendor, collect, count, pickup, sort, and distribute t-shirts. We also correspond with the graphic artist to get new art.
  • Field trips. In a normal year we give the school money for field trips.
  • Reflections. There is not a lot of cost with Reflections, but we provide the prizes for the kids. PTA runs this program by distributing flyers and organizing and judging the submissions, and getting them to the next level.
  • Book Fair and Literacy Night. PTA organizes all the book fairs and literacy night, as well as volunteers at the book fairs.
  • Scholastic dollars. PTA uses scholastic dollars earned from our book fairs to give teachers to purchase new books for their classroom libraries. No book fairs, no scholastic dollars to give to teachers.
  • Grandparents Day Lunch. Usually held during the book fairs, PTA organizes and sets up for grandparent’s day lunch.
  • Birthday Tables. PTA sets up the table once a month supplying a treat to the kids with birthdays in that month.
  • Spirit Nights. PTA organizes Spirit Nights and pays for the Classic Fun Center family night twice a year.
  • Teacher/staff appreciation. PTA gives the staff a gift every month to show our appreciation for our amazing staff. Each and every staff member at Sandy contributes to your student’s success in some way.
  • Meet your teacher. PTA provides our staff lunch on this day when students come to meet their new teachers.
  • Parent Teacher Conference dinner. PTA provides dinner on Wednesdays at each conference held in September and February.
  • Water balloons. PTA provides the water balloons students use to throw at the principal and teachers after 3rd-5thgraders end of year testing.

PTA is an important organization in each school. PTA funds and takes on the organization of these functions so the teachers and staff, that are already doing so much for our students, don’t have to.

Please think about how not having these programs will affect our school and students if there is no PTA. That is what will happen if we can’t get a new board in for next year. 

If you have questions on any of the above-mentioned info, please contact Brandi Snyder at brandimsnyder@gmail.com.