8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

Sandy Elementary Repopulating Plan

Sandy Repopulating Plan





  • Teachers will teach expectations and supervise arrival procedures.
  • Students will immediately move to designated class lines and wait on their assigned spot outside of classrooms upon arrival. Students will be taught to follow physical distancing guidelines/markings and are required to wear facemasks.
  • Classes will walk directly into their classrooms in staggered single file lines, and sit in their assigned seats after putting away belongings.
  • Instruction will begin as usual at 8:20 am. Late students who arrive after 8:30 will check in at the office and observe marked physical distancing guides. Parents will send a note for check-in rather than accompany a child into the office when tardy.


  • Teachers will teach expectations and supervise dismissal procedures.
  • Bus students will be walked to the bus by grade level before dismissal of other students while observing physical distancing. All students leave the building through their assigned grade level doors.
  • Other students will be released at dismissal with each teacher walking their class in a single-file-line to their grade level door. Teachers will stagger exit times by class. Families are encouraged to predetermine an outside meeting spot for older siblings to meet and assist younger siblings.
  • Walking students will be taught to leave the campus promptly and observe physical distancing. A duty teacher will supervise and ensure that students do not play on the playground.
  • Students waiting for rides should stand at marked spots which promote physical distancing.
  • Kindergarten families will work with teachers to make dismissal plans that work for their families.
  • After school round-up at 3:05 will move students into the foyer where they will sit observing physical distancing guidelines.


  • Teachers will have breakfast coolers delivered to their doors.
  • Students will eat breakfast in the classroom using hand sanitizer prior to eating.  Students will eat at their desks. 
  • Teachers will manage distributing food in a way that maintains social distancing as much as possible. 


  • Unnecessary furniture will be removed from classrooms, and desks will be facing forward and spaced as far apart as possible to promote physical distancing.  Seats will be assigned.
  • Faculty and staff will wear facemasks when on school property or on a school bus (does not apply to an individual maintaining physical distancing of at least six feet when outdoors, or when eating indoors and maintaining at least six feet of physical distancing).
  • Students are required to wear facemasks when on school property or on a school bus (does not apply to an individual maintaining physical distancing of at least six feet when outdoors, or when eating indoors and maintaining at least six feet of physical distancing).
  • Teachers will explicitly teach routines to mitigate risk including hygiene and sanitation  (hand washing, using hand sanitizer, proper mask usage, materials usage, etc.)
  • Students will not mix with other classes to aid possible contact tracing. Individual supplies will be provided to prevent sharing unless materials can be sanitized after each use.
  • Students will sanitize hands every time they come into the classroom with additional hand sanitizing/washing built into daily schedules including before lunch.
  • Drinking fountains will be used to fill water bottles or cups, not for individual drinks.
  • Rug time will be less than 15 minutes and will be spaced as far as possible to promote physical distancing (in classrooms with adequate space).
  • Reasonable accommodations such as face shields/masks  will be utilized for individualized instruction, assessment, or other areas where physical distancing is not possible and one-on-one is required.
  • Morning meeting routines will be revised to promote physical distancing.
  • All interior doors will be propped open to minimize high touch points. Doors will remain locked per safety incident protocols.
  • Custodian will schedule sanitation and cleaning of classrooms daily. Only CSD approved cleaning materials will be used by teachers and students for intermittent light cleaning.


  • Teachers will teach students expectations for walking safely in the halls. Signage indicating walking paths will be placed in halls.
  • All individuals will wear a  facemask while traveling through halls and common areas.


  • Students will be taught proper handwashing expectations in addition to signage in the restroom.
  • Teachers will have a sign out sheet where students indicate when they leave to use the restroom in order to allow for contact tracing
  • Grade levels will limit the number of students in the restroom at any given time.
  • Custodial services will clean restrooms throughout the day. A sanitation and cleaning rotation schedule will be followed.


  • The gym and cafeteria will be used during lunch to provide additional space for physical distancing. Seating will be staggered. Students are encouraged to wear a facemask unless eating,
  • Routines, traffic patterns, and floor markings will assist students in maintaining physical distancing while entering the cafeteria, obtaining lunch, being seated, and disposing of food. Multiple disposal garbage cans will be available to reduce congestion.
  • Release from the cafeteria will be staggered.
  • Lunch schedule may be altered slightly to eliminate overlap of grades.
  • Classes will be seated together to support contact tracing. Individual seats will be assigned as well as class assignments for cafeteria seating.
  • The lunch box basket routine will be maintained.

Brain Boosters

  • BB teachers will push into classrooms.
  • PE will be held outdoors weather permitting. PE will be held in the classroom during inclement weather.
  • Classes will remain together for Brain Boosters. In the case of grades with five classes, the smallest class will be divided in a manner that creates the least mixing of classes.  In the case of 3 classes no split classes will be made.
  • Booster lessons will be revised to mitigate higher-risk activities (singing, sharing materials, etc,)

Tier II Support

  • Tier II support will continue to push into classrooms. Interventionists will clean their  designated work space prior to and after working with students.
  • Teachers will consider creating skills groups to reduce overlap of classes.
  • Interventionists will wear face masks when working with students. 
  • Students will be seated in a way that maintains social distancing as much as possible. 

Grade Level Recess

  • Playground will be divided into zones and assigned to individual classes on a rotating schedule to maintain group physical distancing.
  • Grade level staggered recess schedule will be maintained.
  • Individual and group physical distancing expectations will be taught.
  • Playworks coach will teach touch free games and activities.
  • Students will sanitize hands upon reentering their classrooms.

Lunch Recess

  • Maintain grade level distancing protocols and grade-level staggered schedule.
  • Students will sanitize hands upon reentering their classrooms
  • Kindergarten will play on their playground only.

Electronic Devices

  • Each student 3rd- 5th will have a device assigned to them and will be the only user.
  • Each student will clean their device daily under the direction of their teacher.
  • K – 2nd grade will follow tech guidelines for sanitizing shared devices until 1:1 technology is available.


  • There will be no in-person assemblies scheduled at this time
  • If assembly presenters offer virtual options, we will consider presentations accessed in individual classrooms.


  • Face masks are required for all adults entering the building.
  • Plexiglass barriers will be installed.
  • Office phones will only be used by office staff. Staff will communicate student messages to parents.
  • Families are encouraged to call ahead when a student needs to leave during the school day to prevent long wait times when parents arrive at the school to pick them up.
  • Office staff are responsible to place signage on all entry and exit doors identifying flow paths to minimize congestion.

Visitors and Volunteers

  • We will start the year without volunteers and visitors. Messages and items for students will be delivered to students by staff members.
  • Teachers will schedule volunteers when and if the need outweighs the risk. When volunteers are approved for classes, they will follow district and health department guidelines before moving to the classroom.

Special Programs: Choir, Chess Club, Goodies & Grown Ups, Book Fair, Family Involvement Activities, etc.

  • All special programs will be put on hold at this time
  • Meet the Teacher will take place via Google Meetings in small groups.  
  • Back-to-School Night information will be distributed to parents via pre-recorded video. 


  • This program will continue with physical distancing in place

Health Room

  • The health room will serve as the quarantine room to temporarily isolate students until parents can pick them up.
  • All medications will be stored in an alternate secure location to ensure they may be administered if the health room is in use to isolate a student.
  • Another location will be used as an alternate location for other health/injury needs if the health room is in use for isolation.


Sensory Breaks/CICO

  • SEL staff will wear face masks and observe physical distancing guidelines when providing support for students.
  • Behavior assistants will conduct CICO procedures at students’ classrooms to prevent unnecessary student hallway travel. 

Accommodating Individual Circumstances: High Risk, Personal Decisions

High Risk Identification Process:

  • We will work closely with families and the school/district nurse, special education staff, and/or the school psychologist  to review and revise health care/504/IEP plans with special consideration to mitigating risk.
  • All staff interacting with these students will be notified of needs identified in individual plans.
  • Face shields may be provided upon request through Human Resources (“Face shields are not a substitute for face masks except in special situations.” As per Governor Herbert on 8-13-20)



  • All employees will participate in Canyons School District training and safety expectations to mitigate risk.


  • Sandy Elementary Repopulating Plan will be communicated to stakeholders via website and Facebook.