We are proud of Sara Sams, Sandy’s Teacher of the Year. She is the ultimate professional. She builds strong relationships with students and their families and exhibits excellent classroom management. She is always quick to adopt new evidence-based instructional practices. She is a strong model of teacher clarity leading all of her students to have a clear understanding of what they’re doing and why. She teaches mindfulness every day helping her students get in the mode for learning regardless of outside circumstances. Year after year a high percentage of her students reach on or above-level in Acadience reading and math. She never stops teaching. Even in unofficial interactions with her students she guides them to identify colors, shapes, or sounds that letters make. Sara is an excellent example of believing that ALL students can learn, holding high expectations, and reaching a high degree of mastery for all learners.
WE LOVE YOU, SARA! Thank you for choosing to teach our Sandy Sharks at Sandy Elementary!