8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

April 12, 2022 – Minutes



Date: 4/12/22 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: Shawn Walker, Anne Hansen, Katie Bradshaw, Allison Dilts, Mallory Boggs, Jennifer Wright, Candace Marsh


Visitors in Attendance: 


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order: 


  1. Approval of minutes from our last meeting
    1. Shawn, review. Notes amended to pay f.t.e. for other interventionists as needed
    2. Motion to approve: Mallory, all approved.


  1. Discuss Elections
    1. We hold our elections in the Fall
    2. The following seats will be open:
      1. Katie Bradshaw
      2. Melissa Vigos
      3. Nicky Garcia
      4. Denée Bringhurst
      5. Heidi Wilcox


  1. Review current plans to see if we’re on course
    1. LAND Trust
      1. We are planning on purchasing iPads for our STEM lab with the overage we have. We have too much left over, can carry over $8,000. Denée asked if these funds would include headphones. Shawn specified a cart and ipads.


  1. TSSP
    1. We have permission to carry over more than 10% to help pay FTE for our additional teacher This will supplement LAND Trust which is not enough to fund a teacher. Last year’s estimated funds included a carryover that confused this year’s predictions. We also have reduced funding because of reduced enrollment.
  2. Goal Progress:
    1. Math
      1. Acadience math composite proficiency will increase by 25% from Fall 2021 to May 2022.
        1. 31% Fall – 42.3% Winter (gain of 11.3%) Currently need +14% to meet our goal
        2. Last year – ‘21 (+26.6% growth):
          1. 20% on benchmark in fall Started higher this year!
          2. 40.3% on benchmark in winter (gain of 20.3%) Not as much midyear growth.
          3. 46.6% on benchmark in spring

We are working hard to analyze data and drill down to skill gaps so we can accelerate progress.

  1. ELA
    1. By May 2022 75% of students will make typical or above typical progress as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress. 
      1. 61% of students making typical or above typical progress on Winter benchmark testing. Celebrate! This is where we were at the end of the year last year. This also indicates that next year’s goal is achievable.
      2. Last year – ‘21:
        1. 53.1% typical or above on winter benchmark
        2. 61.1% typical or above on spring benchmark
  2. School Climate
    1. By May 2022 we will improve student relationships and feeling connected with adults at school as measured by surveys given to students at the beginning of the year. We neglected to take a fall survey and regret it because of the interval length between responses. Would have given us better comparables if we were looking at fall.
      1. Winter ‘22 scores:
        1. 1- There is at least 1 adult in my school who cares about me. 85% (-5%) 
        2. 2- I enjoy coming to school. 66% (-27%)
        3. 3- I feel like I belong at my school. 68% (-18%)

BLT discussed and decided to focus on these topics during morning meetings. The goal is a grass-roots approach to recognize what the question is asking (vocabulary gap) as well as what it means to enjoy school, etc.


We are encouraged with our progress and want to make sure that we are supporting teachers with enabling strategies and precision focus, rather than simply asking for more from our dedicated teachers.


Question: Given data, does this alleviate concerns expressed last month regarding the goal? Has this been addressed with teachers?


Shawn: Not yet in aggregate. Part of the challenge is how data looks on a grade-level breakdown. At next BLT and faculty meetings we will share similar information and encouragement.


We have excellent teachers. Our challenges are not the result of poor instruction. We are working to establish circumstances that promote growth.

  • Carnival MAY 23, 4-7:00 PM – planning time
  • School will provide safety vests to identify helpers.
  • Anticipated turnout is 1,500
  • Purchasing instructions: Please keep receipts, the district reimburses. Please run anticipated purchases by Sue in the office and obtain a tax-exempt form.
  • We will ask at faculty meeting if teachers are willing to donate Scholastic points to book walk.
  • School will provide dunk tank permission slips for 5th grade students
  • Schedule so lawn is not mowed or watered day of Carnival
  • Denée and Heidi will coordinate teacher booth assignments, dunk tank schedule, and dance schedule.
  • Afternoon lunches will be on the kindergarten playground
  • Jen will send 

  1. Closing:

Next meeting Monday May 9 @ 3:10.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • May 9 @ 3:10