8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

February 11, 2021 – Minutes



Date: 2/11/21 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Virtual

Members in Attendance: Shawn Walker, Heidi Wilcox, Jen Wright, Katie Bradshaw, Melissa Vigos, Denee Bringhurst, Amber Sevy, Nicky Garcia, Isa Connelly


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order 
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting: minutes approved
  3. Nominate Melissa Vigos as a new member of SCC to replace Charlene Sperry:

Official vote unanimous; Denee and Heidi were asked to abstain from vote. Melissa Vigos was approved as our new SCC member. 

    1. Begin writing TSSP and LAND Trust Plan for the upcoming year: Shawn summarized and discussed last year’s LAND Trust Plan. We are proceeding without end-of-year dta from last year due to Covid circumstances. Going forward, basing goals on beginning and mid-year data from last year.
      1. How do we want to adjust ELA and math goals? Currently, making consistent growth as a whole school.
        1. Strategies and action steps: After speaking with BLT, a goal of 75% of students will make academic growth using Pathways of Progress. Regarding our Math goal, we will improve our Math composite scores by 25% , as measured by Acadiance, from beginning of year to the end of year.  SCC approved and agreed to these goals.
        2. What expenditures are anticipated (PD, technology/resources, personnel)? It was discussed that our action steps would include continuing to focus on close reading, focusing on decreasing class size, continuing to provide interventionists, and possibly providing interventionists for Math as well. A focus on number talks will continue. 
      2. How do we want to adjust our school climate goals? SCC discussed our school wide goal to improve the general feelings of connectedness. A focus will be put on relationships and ensuring our students feel that they belong to the school. 
        1. Strategies and action steps: Data from the SEL small survey will be given to students again at the end of the year. We will assess data at that time.  
        2. What expenditures are anticipated (PD, technology/resources, personnel)?
    2. School Safety and Security
      1. Safety Drill report for December and January
        1. Shelter-In-Place – February 9: Our shelter in place drill was successful. A pre-drill safety meeting was held to discuss procedures. We realized some Teacher training is needed in the area of counting and recording the number of students in the classroom. These procedures will be discussed at the next faculty meeting.
    3. Discuss Child Access Routing Plan: Discussed in previous SCC meetings. No new concerns were raised. 
    4. Present final report from the previous school year (then post it to Sandy’s webpage and USBE site and send home with each family)
      1. LAND Trust
        1. As educators at Sandy Elementary, we will ensure that by May of 2020, 80% of our Sandy Elementary students will show typical or above typical progress in their pathways of progress data. Progress will be measured by Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) progress monitoring, Pearson weekly tests, team created assessments, exit tickets and District Wide Standards Based Assessments (DWSBAs). 
  • Last Year = 63% at winter benchmark
        1. As educators at Sandy Elementary we will ensure that by May of 2020, 80% of Sandy Elementary students will achieve benchmark on topic tests in EnVision math.  Progress will be measured by exit tickets and team created Common Formative Assessments (CFA’s) aligned to the scope and sequence.  The long term goal will be to focus on the topic tests, to increase proficiency on the math District Wide Standards Based Assessments (DWSBA).
  • 64% on DWSBA #2 (1st to 4th)
      1. TSSP
        1. As educators at Sandy Elementary, we will ensure that by May of 2020, 80% of our Sandy Elementary students will show typical or above typical progress in their pathways of progress data. Progress will be measured by DIBELS progress monitoring, Pearson weekly tests, team created assessments, exit tickets and DWSBAs.
  • Last Year = 63% at winter benchmark
        1. As educators at Sandy Elementary we will ensure that by May of 2020, 80% of Sandy Elementary students will achieve benchmark on topic tests in EnVision math. Progress will be measured by exit tickets and team created CFA tests aligned to the scope and sequence. The long term goal will be to focus on the topic tests, to increase proficiency on the math DWSBAs.
  • Last Year = 63% at winter benchmark
  • The year before = 57% at winter benchmark
        1. As stakeholders of Sandy Elementary, we will ensure that by May of 2020, our students will be in attendance at least 90% of the school year and decrease the number of tardies by 10% school-wide. This will be measured on a daily basis and data announcements will be made each Friday with the current percentages.
  • Term 1 – 80% of students were at 90% of attendance
  • Term 2 – 58% of students were at 90% of attendance
    1. Review current TSSP and LAND Trust plans for implementation and budget
  • As of Feb 1, $48,000  left in LAND Trust
  • As of Feb 1, $30,000  left in TSSA
  • Pathways of progress school average at this point = 66%
  1. What do we do with WinCo $? Isa will spend the money to replace the expired classroom emergency bag food, water, and toilet paper. 
  2. Closing: meeting was adjourned until March 11th at 3pm


Upcoming Meetings:

  • March 11, 2021