8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

February 11, 2021 – Agenda



Date: 2/11/21                          Time: 3:00 pm                        Location: Virtual


Members in Attendance:


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting
  3. Nominate Melissa Vigos as a new member of SCC to replace Charlene Sperry
  4. Begin writing TSSP and LAND Trust Plan for the upcoming year
    1. How do we want to adjust ELA and math goals?
      1. Strategies and action steps
      2. What expenditures are anticipated (PD, technology/resources, personnel)?
    2. How do we want to adjust our school climate goals?
      1. Strategies and action steps
      2. What expenditures are anticipated (PD, technology/resources, personnel)?
  5. School Safety and Security
    1. Safety Drill report for December and January
      1. Shelter-In-Place – February
  6. Discuss Child Access Routing Plan
  7. Present final report from the previous school year (then post it to Sandy’s webpage and USBE site and send home with each family)
  8. Review current TSSP and LAND Trust plans for implementation and budget
  9. Closing


Upcoming Meetings:

  • March 11, 2021