8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

February 12, 2020 – Minutes





Agenda Item

Wednesday, February 12, 2020



Assignments/Possible solutions

Present: Christie Webb, Wendy Davis, Charlene Sperry, Nicky Garcia, Kristen Stevenson, Jen Wright, Isa Connelly, Audrey Clare, Carolee Mackay, Shawn Walker








2.  Data to share

TSSP plan and Trust land Plans

Carolee Mackay, Achievement Coach:

Pathways of Progress data shared. Five Interventionists at 17 hours per week. Service 270 students K-5/ 15-30-minute groups. SCC felt the Interventionists are worth their funding. Trust land rough draft will be ready for review in March. 

3  Carnival planning

May 18th 4:00-7:00

February checklist reviewed. Food, Custom Events, Volunteers, Games discussed. Christie will follow up with Donut Truck. Isa will check with Alta baseball, Harmons for donations and invite the dignitaries (including Leo). PTA will follow up with Book Walk booth and donations from Costco and others. Nicky will follow up on Cotton Candy situation. Kristen will follow up on teacher/ booth sign-up schedule and YSA clean up.


4  Follow-up items

Schedule Teacher of the Year meeting

SCC President, Charlene Sperry, will meet with Christie, Sue, and Carolee to review data and determine Teacher of the Year winner from those nominated. The meeting will be held the last week of February.


5 Other?



6.  Things we need to do this year…


  1. Digital Citizen plan (November)
  2. Attendance Plan (January)
  3. Parent Engagement Compact (October) 
  4. Parent Engagement Policy (October)
  5. Next year’s Trust land plan (Beginning in (February)
  6. Next year’s TSSP (February)
  7. Carnival Planning



7.  Tentative meeting Schedule


February 12th              4:00

March 11th                  4:00

April 15th                     4:00

May 13th                     4:00

May 18th                     4:00-7:00-carnival