8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

February 3, 2022 – Minutes



Date: 2/3/22 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: 

Mallory Boggs, Heidi Wilcox, Jen Wright, Katie Bradshaw, Audrey Clare, Anne Hansen, Allie Dilts, Shawn Walker, Isa Connelly

Visitors in Attendance: 


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order


2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting

    1. Shawn, review
    2. Motion to approve: Draft approved


3. Continue discussing TSSP and Land trust plans for next year.: Most funds spent on people and PBIS rewards.

    1. Discuss goals for reading and math (upper and lower grades):

Current year data reviewed. We will switch to an “On Benchmark/ Grade level” indicator rather than a “3 star growth” focus. Data shows academic growth in all grades. Math data also reviewed. 

  1. Lower grades – increase focus on reaching benchmark
  2. Upper grades – focus on 3 star or on grade level scores
  3. Math – we can now add a focus on pathways of progress
  4. 5 year plan
    1. Years 1-2: Increased focus on Tier III and Tier I
    2. Years 3-5: Increased focus on Tier II and continued focus on Tier I:

This is a systems approach- important to teaching reading skills. Intervention groups and structures to focus on tier III instruction. 

What funds are paying for: 

5 part-time reading interventionists hired and 2 full-time. Too soon to determine efficacy. We will plan tier III into the master schedule for next year. 

  1. Interventionists (full and part time)
  2. BA’s
  3. Full-time sub
  4. Portion of teacher salary
  5. PBIS 
    1. “Rewards” program
    2. Incentives
  1. Master schedule
    1. Giving more resources to K-1 to boost achievement?

K-1 will receive a full hour of interventions in the morning. This approach lessens ‘wasted’ time and increases instruction time with an adult. We will implement a strategic intervention plan to increase quality instruction time.  

    1. FTE: Next year’s projected FTE is 3 teachers fewer
      1. Fewer teachers for some grades than we’ve had before, even given OEK funding. District only pays for .5, grant pays 1.3.
      2. Do we use funds for interventions or teachers?
      3. What is community feeling about ½ day kinder?
        1. What about data to support?
      4. Committee feedback: 
        1. Keep younger classes small, pay for teacher before interventionist
        2. Shawn: consider our turnover and the number of students who come to us already in a hole who benefit from targeted instruction. We have tried smaller starting grades and not seeing significant growth.
        3. Teacher: smaller class always
        4. Parent: bigger classes=bigger small groups
        5. From secondary background: is it much easier to provide instruction with a smaller class size? Differentiation is hard.
        6. What are the training requirements of an interventionist? Have to be highly qualified.
        7. Could we increase the value of classroom volunteers to focus more on academic needs with specific plans?
        8. State law allows parents a voice in teacher selection
      5. In discussing with the community/school community, please be circumspect. We don’t have 100% official numbers, don’t want to set off alarms unnecessarily. But it is important to consider these hard questions. We need community input.
  • Carnival MAY 23, 4-7:00 PM
    1. Plan is to have it, even in COVID world
    2. Community event tradition: food vendors, dancing, teachers support games, Custom Events sets up activities, tug-of-rope, dunk tank.
    3. 1,500-2,000 people/year.
    4. Custom Events unavailable (seeking alternatives)
    5. Do we want to add or subtract from previous events?
    6. Time to gather volunteers?
      1. Alta baseball team
      2. Teacher Kristen has local group come help clean up
    7. Pricing has stayed the same. Objective is to celebrate more than to make money.
    8. Activities: cotton candy (prepackaged), not face painting, not nachos
    9. Donation requests: Macey’s, Winco
    10. Need to schedule basement meeting to inventory supplies
    11. Guidance from School Performance Director is to not make payments that can’t be refunded in case of COVID interruptions
    12. Reaching out to teams and activities from Jordan for student volunteers
  1. Closing:
    1. Thank you! We appreciate your contributions to our school and community.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • March 10, 2022
  • 30 minutes for Carnival planning