8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

January 12, 2023 – Minutes



Date: 1/12/23 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: Doris Kholsa, Shawn Walker, Jen Wright, Mallory Boggs, Jason Miller, Isa Connelly, Jonatan Lefler, Ian Scott


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting: Minutes from last meeting reviewed and approved.
  3. Begin writing TSSP and LAND Trust plans for next year: Mr. Walker reviewed general data from years past. Sandy will continue to set high standards for our staff and students- which will hopefully result in higher student achievement results. For Math and Reading we have focused on grades Kinder & 1st reaching benchmark. For grades 2-5 we have focused on students reaching benchmark OR making typical growth. Our climate goal includes dropping our ODRs by 25%. We plan to focus next year goals in this same manner. Action steps were reviewed and SCC had a robust discussion on where we go from here. Our goal is to continue the road we are currently on but also focus on ML and SPED students, as the academic trajectory of these populations is headed in a negative direction. We discussed building capacity for teachers (i.e. providing subs for grade levels to attend PDs and increasing shared leadership opportunities). Doris spoke about general parental concerns and difficulties within our community. Parents need to be informed on best practices and how to specifically help their student at home. 
  4. Review final report for last year’s plans (due by end of this month): Final report for the 2021-22 Land Trust plan was reviewed and approved. SCC conducted a vote on this agenda item and it was unanimously approved. 
  5. Discuss Child Access Routing Plan (SNAP) and prepare recommendations (only elementary and middle schools). Due January 14th.: The current SNAP plan and map was reviewed. The SCC voted to recognize and accept the current SNAP Plan. 
  6. Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data and expenditures and review if on course or if amendments are necessary: Current LAND Trust plan reviewed. Next month, after Benchmark testing and results have been collected we will have a more robust discussion on specific goals going forward. 
  7. Closing


Upcoming Meetings:

  • February 9, 2023
  • March 9, 2023
  • April 13, 2023
  • May 11, 2023
