Date: 1/16/24 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center
Members in Attendance:
Shawn Walker, Isa Connelly, Kristen Stevenson, Kara Olsen, Mallory Boggs, Denee Bringhurst, Rob Archuletta
Visitors in Attendance:
Agenda Items:
- Welcome and call meeting to order
- Approve minutes from last meeting: Minutes reviewed and approved.
- Give SCC an update on tweaks we are making to Sandy’s Mission Statement. Get feedback. Mission and Vision statements reviewed and tweaked. Motion to update vision and mission statements adopted.
- Begin writing TSSP and LAND Trust plans for next school year.
- TSSP will be worked on by school and goals/direction shared with SCC for input.: Goals reviewed and ideas discussed. Motion to work on school goals was adopted.
- SCC will write and develop LAND Trust plan to address one or more academic goals from TSSP. Goals reviewed and ideas discussed. Motion to work on school goals was adopted.
- Review Land Trust and TSSA plans for current year – Is spending on track? Are any amendments needed?
- School Safety and Security
- Safety Drill report for August/September
- Discuss Carnival: A subcommittee will be created. Shawn will send a survey out to staff for input.
- Closing
Upcoming Meetings:
- February 6, 2023
- March 5, 2023
- April 16, 2023
- May 7, 2023