8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

January 8, 2020 – Agenda


Agenda Item

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Assignments/Possible solutions



2.  Electronic Devices in Public Schools

  • Elementary Schools:   Personal electronic devices and accessories should remain stored, out of sight, and silenced during the school day and on school property.  This includes during recess and lunch.  Administrative exceptions may be granted for students with individual education plans (IEPs), 504 accommodations, and individual health plans.
  • The school electronic device policy/procedure will be communicated to parent/legal guardians and students, and will be posted on the school’s website.   (Given out stapled to February)
  • A school electronic policy/procedure will include applicable provisions from the Board’s  Policy—500.6—Technology Resources—Electronic Devices and Network Acceptable  Use (Students) including, but not limited to: 
  • Definitions; 
  • Use of Electronic Devices in Schools; Student Safety and Social Media
  • Terms and Conditions; 
  • Reporting Misuse; and 
  • Expectations of Privacy. 

Procedures for not following Electronic Devices at Sandy Elementary.

  •  First violation:  Electronic Device is confiscated and given back to the student at the end of the day.
  • Second violation:  Electronic Device is confiscated and sent to the office for a parent/guardian to pick up.

3  Pictures for next year


4 Attendance policy

Any comments

How distribute?


5  Follow-up items



6. Other?


7.  Things we need to do this year…

  1. Digital Citizen plan (November)
  2. Attendance Plan (January)
  3. Parent Engagement Compact (October) 
  4. Parent Engagement Policy (October)
  5. Next year’s Trustland plan (Beginning in (February)
  6. Next year’s TSSP (February)

8.  Tentative meeting Schedule

January 8th                  4:00

February 12th              4:00

March 11th                  4:00

April 15th                     4:00

May 13th                     4:00

May 18th                     4:00-7:00-carnival





“Electronic Device”:  means a device that is used for audio, video, or text communication or any other type of computer or computer-like instrument including, but not limited to: 

a smart phone; a smart watch; a tablet; or a virtual reality device.


Terms and Conditions

At Sandy Elementary personal electronic devices and accessories should remain stored, out of sight, and silenced during the school day and on school property.  Administrative exceptions may be granted for students with an IEP, 504 or individual health plan.


All staff and students will adhere to the Network Acceptable use policy that is signed upon registration.


  • Students bring individual personal electronic devices on school property or to school activities at their own risk.   
  • The District or school is not responsible for borrowed, misused, lost, stolen, or damages to personal electronic devices.  


All students and employees will receive Digital Citizenship skills during STEM brain boosters.  This is done so students can participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and contribute positively in family and civic life.  


Reporting Misuse to Parents

  1. First violation:  The teacher reminds student to turn the Electronic Device to silent and stored out of sight.
  2. Second violation:  The parent  will be notified to pick up Electronic Device from the office.

Expectations of Privacy


At Sandy Elementary students will only use school owned devices.  Privacy cannot be expected because it is a school owed device.  

Misuse of personal devices also cannot be expected to be private since they are not suppose to use personal devices at Sandy Elementary.