8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

March 10, 2022 – Agenda




Date: 3/10/22                          Time: 3:10 pm                        Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance:


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order
  1. Approval of minutes from our last meeting
    1. Shawn, review
    2. Motion to approve:
  1. Finalize TSSP and LAND Trust Plan for next year – sign and confirm signature form



Our proposed LANDtrust/TSSP goals are:

  • Reading
  • By May 2023 80% of K-1 students will be on benchmark in reading as measured by Acadience Reading Composite scores.
  • By May 2023 80% of 2-5 students will be on benchmark or make typical or above typical progress in reading as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
  • Math
  • By May 2023 80% of K-1 students will be on benchmark in math as measured by Acadience Math Composite scores.
  • By May 2023 80% of 2-5 students will be on benchmark or make typical or above typical progress in math as measured by Acadience Math Composite scores.
  • Climate
    • Create a scholarly community of pride that promotes the behaviors that enable academic growth.


Proposed Action Steps:

  • Reading
    • Strengthen Tier 1 and Tier 3 instruction.
      • Ensure that all students below benchmark receive adult intervention support during skill-based learning time.
      • Lower class size by paying for an additional teacher.
      • Focus on CSD Instructional Priorities during PLC’s and professional learning to maximize student engagement during T1 and T3 instruction.
      • Strengthen Foundations instruction based in the science of reading through LETRS professional learning and participation in public practice with collaborative reflection.
    • Math
      • Strengthen Tier 1 and Tier 3 instruction.
        • Increase the amount of time students below benchmark have with an adult during math intervention time.
        • Focus on CSD Instructional Priorities during PLC’s and professional learning to maximize student engagement during T1 and T3 instruction.
        • Strengthen math instruction through evidence based strategies (such as Number Talks) by professional learning (during PLC’s, faculty meetings, etc.).
      • Climate
        • Make being a scholarly community a part of our school culture by creating affirmative statements for students and teachers to recite.
        • Emphasize rewarding work completion and participation (through PBIS Rewards and other forms of recognition) along with being safe and kind.
        • Increase family engagement and support of academic growth through parent education.
      • Extra funds contingency
        • In the event that we are unable to use funds as we have proposed we would purchase learning software/apps (such as math iReady), additional PBIS incentives, supplies to support student wellness, and/or instructional materials. Additionally we can use the funds to upgrade student devices and purchase additional devices as needed to support curriculum requirements.

Proposed Budgets:



Reading Goal (see above)




1 full-time teacher




Reading, Math, and Climate Goals (see above)





4 Reading/Math Interventionists


PBIS Rewards & Incentives


Full-time Behavior Assistants supplement



  1. Review: Positive Behavior Plan
    1. Morning Meetings (Community Building Circles)
    2. Supplemental Lessons lead by School SEL staff
    3. Botvin Lifeskills (Substance Abuse Prevention taught in 4th grade Classes)
    4. Digital Citizenship Lessons
    5. Small Groups lead by SEL staff (Anxiety, Friendship, Social Skills)
    6. Restorative Practice Implementation
    7. Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
    8. Providing Ongoing Parent resources through newsletters and Parent Teacher Conferences, etc.
    9. Playworks Class Game Times
  2. Positive Behavior Programs
    1. After school programs
    2. SafeUT
    3. Student Council
    4. Playworks Junior Coaches
    5. Safety Patrol
    6. Check-in Check-out
    7. Morning transition group
    8. Shark Show
    9. Principal’s Pride
    10. Shark Pride awards
    11. Attendance program


       3. Carnival MAY 23, 4-7:00 PM – planning time


       4. Closing:


Upcoming Meetings:

  • April 14, 2022