8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

March 11, 2020 – Minutes


Agenda Item

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Assignments/Possible solutions

Present:  Audrey, Nicky, Kristen, Charlene, Jen, Christie, Katie and Michael.

Excused:  Isa

1.Welcome/Approve minutes from last meeting

Minutes were approved unanimously. 

2.  School Plans

TSSP plan and Trustland Plans

Acadience math composite proficiency will increase by 20% from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021.  (Both Trustland and TSSA plan)

  • Trustland
    • .5 teacher
    • 2 interventionists
  • TSSA
    • 3 interventionists
    • After School
    • .25 teacher

Acadience math composite proficiency will increase by 20% from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021.

  • TSSA 
    • PD and resources
    • After School
    • .25 teacher

By using 2020 CAYCI data as a baseline, we will improve student relationship/feeling connected with adults at school by May 2021.

  • TSSA
    • Behavior assistant
    • Token rewards

Both plans were approved unanimously.  The necessary documents were signed.

We discussed the need to amend our TSSA plan this year because we are projected to have 34% left at the end of the year.  The goal is to have less than 10% of monies left because the monies are given to be used with this year’s students.  We added monies to be spent on PD for restorative practices and SPED strategies/scaffolds for students that address our TSI category.

3  Carnival planning

May 18th 4:00-7:30 (time changed)

  • Custom Events are booked for that day.  Decided to go with another company, All is Fun.  For $300 you get a dunk tank and 4 games.  They also have some blow up games.  It is $85 to have a worker come to help.  We talked about have 9 workers come to help with each game.  It is still less money than when we use Custom Events.  No bubble balls.
  • Leo the Lion is booked.
  • Food
    • Nicky will order Cotton Candy, Taco cart, Little Caesars, Hot Dog on a Stick (confirmed), Hot dogs, Chips and takis, soda and water, popcorn, Snocones, Donut truck (Can do a % of business-Christie will talk to them)
  • Donations
    • Costco, Macey’s-Audrey still working on
    • Harmons-Isa working on
    • Winco-Jen working on
    • Kids meals—Have 300 chick-fil-a and 500 Arby’s
    • Nicky-Has food handlers permit
    • Got some donations from a toy company
  • New purchases-We don’t need any tables, but will purchase 2 canopies.
  • Scheduled a basement meeting-Thursday, March 19th at 3:00
  • Order dumpster-Christie will do
  • Make sure lawn isn’t mowed that day-Christie
  • Make sure water doesn’t come on and isn’t watered that day.-Christie
  • Kristen will work with Christie on teacher assignments.  
  • Dance schedule will begin at 5:30 and will go every 10 minutes.

4  Follow-up items



5 Other?

Teacher assignments for next year

  • Sarah Murphy will teach 5th grade
  • Shaylee Eggett will teach 3rd grade
  • Michael Price will teach 1st grade

We may have other openings as teachers transfer or receive district positions.  

We have hired a resource teacher who has taught in Texas and Utah.

Learning Environment goes home on Monday.  This is the form that you can tell us the environment that your child will benefit, also you can use this form to request a teacher.  You are asked to put two options down because of possible teacher changes.


6.  Things we need to do this year…

  1. Digital Citizen plan (November)
  2. Attendance Plan (January)
  3. Parent Engagement Compact (October) 
  4. Parent Engagement Policy (October)
  5. Next year’s Trustland plan (Beginning in (February)
  6. Next year’s TSSP (February)
  7. Carnival Planning

7.  Tentative meeting Schedule

April 15th                     4:00

May 13th                     4:00

May 18th                     4:00-7:00-carnival