8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

March 11, 2021 – Minutes



Date: 3/11/21 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Virtual


Members in Attendance: Tamara Wulle, Shawn Walker, Jen Wright, Melissa Vigos, Nicky Garcia, Candice Marsh, Katie Bradshaw, Denee Bringhurst, Heidi Wilcox


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order 
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting: Previous minutes reviewed and approved.
  3. Finalize development of TSSP and LAND Trust plans
    1. April 13, TSSP & LAND Trust plans and signature page due to School Performance: The SCC conducted a final walk through of the TSSP and Land TRust Plans. Plan read aloud by Shawn. Clarifications on specifics were provided. Shawn highlighted the fact that the proposed numbers were a best estimate. Comments, questions, or concerns were solicited. Katie Bradshaw asked about PBIS, needing clarification. The Land Trust budget was explained in detail to the SCC. Questions/ concerns were solicited. Tamara Wulle loved the idea of a book vending machine as a behavior incentive. Denee Bringhurst commented on the large amount of money it takes to conduct a staff PD. Shawn explained the Plan should not need amending even if numbers turn out to be off by 5%- 10%. The SCC were notified they will need to come into the building within the next week or so and sign the signature page. Both the TSSP and the Land Trust Plans were voted on and approved by the SCC. 
  4. Discuss elections, ballots, open seats in preparation for elections:

Elections typically happen in the Spring. Nominations are made and the committee votes. Shawn will look into particulars and details and provide a timeline of events for the SCC regarding the election process. 

  1. School Safety and Security
    1. Safety Drill report: A Hazardous Materials Safety Drill was conducted on March 9th. The drill went great. Safety leaders patrol the school and make sure all requirements for the drill are met. Teachers display a green card if all is well and a red card to indicate problems. The next drill will be in April. It will be the earthquake drill- The Great Utah Shake Out. 
  2. Closing: Proposed and sustained.


Upcoming Meetings:

  • April 13th, 2021 @ 3:00 pm