8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070





Date: 5/9/22 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: Shawn Walker, Katie Bradshaw, Jen Wright, Candace Marsh, Anne Hansen, Isa Connelly, Heidi Wilcox, Denee Bringhurst, Mallory Boggs, Allie Diltz, Audrey Clare


Visitors in Attendance: 


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order: Called to order by Katie Bradshaw and sustained.
  1. Approval of minutes from our last meeting
    1. Shawn, review
    2. Motion to approve: Notes from last meeting approved
  1. Discuss roll over on our TSSA plan.
    1. We will roll over approximately $18,000 to be spent for FTE next year.

Plan was summarized and approved by SCC.


  1. Review School Safety Report action items. Principal completes School Safety report follow up report on CSD Dashboard
    1. Where is our emergency/safety box?
      1. The boxes belong to the local fire department and are maintained by them.  Our district contact is researching it for us.
    2. Safety in the parking lot and other areas during drop-off and pick-up.
      1. We created short messages and video clips of safety tips and sent them out via Parent Square. 

Safety videos were produced and distributed. 

Concerns were raised about students crossing at the corner where there is no crossing guard. We will inform our SRO of the concern. We will need to re-visit this concern at the beginning of next school year. 


  1. Determine if your current year’s plan made a difference in the area of your goals.
    1. Look at most recent data from spring benchmark testing
      1. Math: 48% on benchmark; gain of 16.2%
      2. Reading: 54% making 3 star or better growth
        1. 64% are on level OR making 3 star or better growth

These are disappointing gains and we hoped to do better. We have had a tough school year for many reasons. Some challenges included not being fully staffed until February this school year. Next year we plan to hit the ground running. We will stay the course and we are poised to start Tier III interventions very early in the next school year. 


  1. Discuss how we will publicize this year’s work and this year’s progress to the school community and legislators.
    1. Report of results on our goals that will go out in Parent Square and on our web-page.
    2. This same report will be sent via email to our legislators.

Shawn will craft this message and we will distribute the information  at the end of May or beginning of June. 


  • Carnival MAY 23, 4-7:00 PM – planning time
    1. Do we have certificates of liability insurance from vendors?

Carnival details discussed at length. 


  1. Closing: Purposed and sustained.