Date: 2/04/25 Time: 3:15 pm Location: Media Center
Members in Attendance:
Mallory Boggs, Britney Grell, Principal Pua, Kristen Stevenson, Natalie Kowalis, Rob Archuleta, and Jen Reese
Visitors in Attendance:
Agenda Items:
1. Welcome and call meeting to order: Called to order by SCC Chair Person
2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting:
Minutes read and approved
3. Approvals/Discussion: a. Review year-to-date budget and submit a Plan Amendment for approval, as needed
b. Review student data
c. Any recommendations about the Teacher and Student Success Act Plan (TSSA)
We will keep the same plan to cover two extra teachers, we will know what grades once we have final attendance numbers.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Kristen approved
Mallory seconded
Reading Acadience Data – Fall to Winter
School goal: 90%
Current School Wide: 58%
% of students in each grade that have made typical or above typical growth
K -71%
1st – 40%
2nd – 63%
3rd – 53%
4th – 50%
5th – 69%
Looked at each grade’s data across the years.
Math Acadience Data – Fall to Winter
School goal: 90%
Current School Wide: 56%
K -65%
1st – 57%
2nd – 69%
3rd – 57%
4th – 24%
5th – 64%
We had to cut Math Intervention this year, but it hasn’t been as detrimental as we thought it was going to be.
We are on track. TSSP and Land Trust are being spent on two extra teachers and part on interventionist pay.
PBIS is helping. ODR’s have gone down compared to last year
4. Decide on upcoming meeting times:
5. Closing:
Upcoming Meetings:
Tuesday, March 4th at 3:15pm