8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

November 4, 2021 – Minutes



Date: 11/4/21 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: Shawn Walker, Mallory Boggs, Jennifer Wright, Nicky Garcia, Denee Bringhurst, Heidi Wilcox, Katie Bradshaw, Audrey Clare, Doris Hernandez


Visitors in Attendance: 


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order


  1. Approval of minutes from our last meeting
    1. Shawn, review
    2. Motion to approve: Katie Bradshaw motion to approve, seconded by Heidi Wilcox. All other members present agreed.


  1. Discuss the status of Land Trust and TSSA amendments. Logan Oviatt was hired to help as a reading/math aide. Looking to hire one more.


  1. Discuss updates/amendments to our SCC Bylaws (to bring into compliance with new codes and policies) will update code numbers as needed. We will clarify the number of members allowed on council, months that we meet. Amendments were accepted by Shawn Walker, Doris Hernandez, Audrey Clare, Katie Bradshaw, Heidi Wilcox, Denee Bringhurst, Nicky Garcia, Jennifer Wright and Mallory Boggs.


  1. School Safety and Digital Citizenship discussion
    1. What are SCC concerns after reviewing district materials? Sandy Elementary is a “hub” for emergencies. Locate our emergency box. Review SNAP plan. Old crosswalk in the front drop off area is starting to show and people are crossing at the wrong place. Can we get that repainted gray?


  1. Items brought up by SCC members:
    1. Can we nail the Gaga Ball courts down?
    2. Can we put partitions between the urinals in the boys bathrooms?  This is a concern that was brought up to Mr. Walker as well by a 4th grade student.
    3. Concerns expressed about the difference between All Pro Dads and Moms Matter.  It seems that All Pro Dads may be more fun and social while Moms Matter is more formal or learning based.


  1. Do we need to hold a meeting on 12/2? Cancelled. All of the following members were in favor: Shawn Walker, Audrey Clare, Katie Bradshaw, Heidi Wilcox, Denee Bringhurst, Nicky Garcia, Jennifer Wright and Mallory Boggs


  1. Closing:


Upcoming Meetings:

  • Dec. 2, 2021–cancelled