8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

October 7, 2021 – Minutes



Date: 10/7/21 Time: 3:10 pm Location: Media Center


Members in Attendance: Shawn Walker, Denee Bringhurst, Audrey Claire, Katie Bradshaw, Candace Marsh, Alli Dilts, Maria (Doris) Hernandez,  Mallory Boggs, Dante Capunay, Jason Smith, Nicole Garcia


Visitors in Attendance: Anne Hansen


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order
    1.  Katie, introductions
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting
    1. Shawn, review
    2. Motion to approve: Audrey, Seconded and approved.
  3. Disclose if a member has a conflict of interest.
    1. i.e. any members with connections to vendors involved in SCC activity must disclose
  4. Review Land Trust and TSSA plans and discuss potential amendments. 
    1. Shawn: proposes amendment to TSSA plan. PD and substitute allocations and math aide position funds are unlikely to be used based on LETRS training requirements and labor shortage for substitutes.
    2. Additional kindergarten funding makes it unnecessary to fund teacher out of Land Trust, resulting in an overage of roughly $34,000
    3. Option 1: Combine available funds for 2 35 hour/week math position
    4. Option 2: Move behavior aides up to 28 hours/week (3 additional)
    5. Option 3: Offer PD to teachers over the summer
      1. Data analysis, curriculum organizing, plans for the next year
      2. Specific high-yielding strategies 
    6. Option 4: additional behavior support personnel
    7. Debated pros and cons of options
      1. Funds will continue for future years; risk is if we lose kinder class funding
      2. Challenge is hiring qualified employees at current rate of pay
    8. Goal is ad hoc meeting 2 weeks from now. Agree on proposal for agenda, notify of vote, take plan to board, post positions by November. Shawn will draft proposal, receive feedback, quick voting meeting. Council requests data to support different options in the proposal.
    9. Double check: *Do we need to amend plans based on Second Step?
  5. School Safety and Security
    1. Receive School Safety report and Digital Citizenship report from the district and begin discussion
      1. What is our #1 safety concern?
        1. Council agrees to independently review safety materials from District
        2. Proposal is that Katie will email link to district materials to all council members
      2. Safe walking route: crossing guard on Pioneer. Requested one in SNAP plan, was denied by the city.
  6. Closing: Adjourn 4:13


Upcoming Meetings:

  • Nov. 4 (potential vote around 10/21)