8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

November 12, 2020 – Minutes



Date: 11/12/20 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Gym & Virtual

Members in Attendance: Denée Bringhurst, Shawn Walker, Jen Wright, Nicky Garcia, Katie Bradshaw, Candace Marsh, Isa Connelly, Heidi Wilcox, Tamara Mammoth

Visitors in Attendance:

Cathy Jarman, Holly Bell

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order- Called to order
  2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting- Last meeting minutes summarized by Shawn and approved.
  3. Review school data
    1. Look at the most current Acadience data:

Shawn shared-out school report card. Only data for English Learner Progress. Making adequate progress. An increase of 2.4% in proficiency. Shows dedication from our teachers and hardwork from parents and families. Data by grade level showing lost learning opportunities due to Covid. Heidi commented- in agreement with data. Denee commented on the importance of foundational learning. Cathy commented on the possible learning gap for online students. It was difficult to contact online parents. Missing tests acknowledged. Students who have not been tested will be tested asap.  Shawn- feeling hopeful for the future with resources from the District (ECRI) and capable teachers at Sandy Elementary.   

  1. Review changes needed to TSSP and Land Trust plans:

Reiterated TSSP plans. Amended CAYCI data portion of the plan because CAYCI data is not available due to Covid. Current budget reviewed and amendments proposed. 

    1. Other needs:
      1. Sound system for the gym and cafeteria (provided by District)
      2. Additional Chromebooks (proposed to SCC to purchase about 200 additional chrome books in an effort to get to 1 to 1) Heidi expressed concerns regarding the ability of little people to navigate chrome books (type). An idea to purchase ipads for younger grades was suggested. Shawn will look into iPad purchase and report back to SCC. 
      3. Apple TV’s (no need)
      4. Gaga Ball equipment (provided by District)
    2. Alternatives to the CAYCI survey questions (that we can’t use because it wasn’t given at the end of last year due to the pandemic): Looked at CAYCI questions from two years ago and used previous approved questions. Ten questions were approved by the PBIS committee. SCC approved the questions with one concern regarding the answers portion. We need to look at a picture/ smiley face format for younger grades. Other changes in budget were discussed and the amendment regarding different expenditures was approved by SCC. 
  1. Discuss our Digital Citizenship Plan for the year (Cathy Jarman):

In-depth presentation was given. Digital filters were discussed. District digital policies discussed. Questions please refer to canyonsdistrict.org. 

    1. Complete the Safety Plan report:

Shawn completed the Safety Plan Report for State requirements. 

  1. Discuss School Safety Plan
    1. Complete the Safety Plan report:

Shawn completed a summary of the District Safety Plan for District/State requirements. Any questions please refer to canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools. Heidi brought up a safety concern regarding the south side crosswalk area. Specifically, the opening of the fence does not line up with the crosswalk. Candace brought up a concern with no access on the south side for people on wheels/ moms with strollers. Katie brought up a safety concern regarding the crosswalk over 9000 South. Katie feels it is extremely unsafe to have students (middle schoolers and elementary age) cross that wide and busy street. SNAP plan will be revisited and concerns will be discussed further. Candace brought up the idea of collaborating with the SCC at Mt Jordan Middle. Shawn will research and report back to our SCC. 

  1. School Living Leader
    1. Who it is (not chosen yet. In process.)
    2. What they do (an employee who helps to increase the wellness of the school employee population)
  2. School Safety and Security
    1. Safety Drill report for October:

Lockdown drill conducted in October. Teachers were instructed to lock doors and hide. It was successful. We found a glitch while using the Duress APP because the District is not supporting it this year. 

  1. Closing:

Mara brought up multiple ramping and accessibility concerns. Shawn will look into these concerns and report back. 


Upcoming Meetings:

  • Our next meeting is scheduled for December 10.  Should we cancel that meeting and meet on Jan 14 instead?

Next meeting will be held Jan. 14th, 2021