8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

September 9, 2021 – Minutes



Date: 9/9/21 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Conference Room or Gym


Members in Attendance: Mallory Boggs, Candice Marsh, Jen Wright, Doris Kholsa, Heidi Wilcox, Katie Bradshaw, Shawn Walker, Isa Connelly


Visitors in Attendance:


Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and call meeting to order- Shawn called the meeting to order
  2. Instate new members for the current year- Introductions were made
    1. Verify information for all members present- Roster was reviewed and is correct
    2. Elect chair and vice-chair: Qualifications were explained. Members in attendance vote Katie Bradshaw as the SCC Chair. Katie accepted. The SCC members voted Allie Ditts into the Vice-Chair position. Nomination is pending acceptance by Alli.
  3. SCC By-Laws
    1. Review- By-Laws reviewed
  4. Review Land Trust and TSSA plans.- Land Trust and TSSA plans reviewed. 
  5. Discuss Parent Compact feedback from the community
    1. I think something that will promote more focus on these areas is education through presentations, YouTube videos to watch at home with (interesting presentations of) statistics backing up what you are desiring from the community. Meeting with parents during PTC and presenting these materials (not more handouts) from someone who has charisma and an entertainment value that induces parents to spend 10-15 minutes listening to the importance and impact of your desired goals may work better towards your end game.

The committee in attendance suggested we produce short videos and send out small snippets of information in an effort to get the parent compact information disseminated effectively. 

Another suggestion included offering incentives for signed and returned forms.

Utilize the Shark Show as a form of delivery for the student compact pledge information. 

  1. School Safety and Security
    1. Safety Drill report for August
      1. Fire Drill completed on 8/27/21: Successful. Did decide to change zone names to match the military alphabet for clearer reception. 
      2. 197 seconds (3 mins. 28 secs.)
  2. Set Meeting Dates (2nd Thursdays?): The SCC members decided a 1st Thursday of the month would be more accommodating. Meeting dates as follows: Oct. 7; Nov.4; Dec. 2; Jan. 6; Feb. 3; March 10; April 14; May 5, 2021. Also, the committee selected to move the meeting time to 3:10 pm. 
  3. Closing:
  4. Comments made throughout the meeting: 

CAYCI data guides goal making for the school. 

Put posters out in the front of the school with relevant statistics to inform parents on the go. Allow posters to be personalized. 

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Math to be discussed in-depth at the next meeting.