8725 S. 280 East, Sandy, UT 84070

School – Home Compact

Sandy Elementary School-Home Compact

The compact outlines shared responsibilities for high student academic achievement and is developed jointly with all Sandy Elementary stakeholders.




I will:



I will:



I will:



I will:


Arrive at school on time (by 8:35) and ready to learn 

Ensure my child attends school regularly and on time 

Provide high quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning 


by purposeful planning aligned to standards and using data to inform instruction

Provide high quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment through implementation of academic and behavior systems


Own my learning by listening, participating, and asking for help when I need it

Review student blue communication folder, read teacher weekly communication via Parent Square, attend scheduled conferences, and contact teacher with questions or concerns 

Provide student learning evidence and instructional materials/resources to support student mastery of grade level skills

Regular, two-way
communication including
student communication
folders, weekly Shark News,
and Teacher
communications via Parent
Square, community
resources and events updates from SEL Staff via
Parent Square, parent teacher conferences, and
available to meet with families upon request



Respect other students, adults, and their property through abiding by safe. kind and responsible expectations. 

Volunteer, participate in PTA, SCC, attend family engagement activities, and/or other committees when possible 

Engage in two-way, meaningful communication through weekly updates via Parent Square, grade level family activity, and available to meet with families upon request

Provide opportunities for parents/guardians to volunteer, observe, and participate in decision making


Read 20 minutes every night 

Listen or read aloud  with my child and/or ask comprehension questions 

Utilize evidence-based practices to support individualized student needs 

Support the use of evidence-based practices through professional development, coaching cycles, collaboration during professional learning communities, and provide literacy learning family events


Practice math facts every night

Practice math skills and play math games with my child

Utilize evidence-based practices to support individualized student needs

Support the use of evidence-based practices through professional development, coaching cycles, collaboration during professional learning communities, and provide math learning family events


Read, practice math facts, and complete unfinished school work  

Reinforce the expectation your child completes their school work and practices skills

Provide timely and meaningful feedback on student work and send home student evidence in student blue communication folder

Parent Teacher Conferences two times per year, Report Cards two times per year, and progress meetings as needed